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Monday, July 13, 2015

Est. Since 1994: TwenTEEN-One and Over

Today, I just grow a little year older. I’m now at that stage when putting the word “teen” seems awkward. “Twenteen” (20) sounds a little okay, but Twenteen-One (21)?! Let’s not push it anymore. We’re all getting old, every year we add another candle to our birthday cake. It’s our favorite day next to Christmas and holidays. We’re excited to celebrate and receive gifts / greetings. Who wouldn’t be happy if you were given another year to live?

The past 20 years has not been an easy journey. At this age I also had my fair share of trials but then again there are also those moments in which I know I did best. I thank God for letting me live throughout this year. For letting me grow, for blessing me with so much I could pray for. For all the people who has been with me since the beginning, for those who had tested my will and my limits, thank you. I will never be the person I am today without you.

As a new year added in my life, there are so many plans in my head, things I want to do, dreams I want to achieve, and places I want to go. I’m getting old but still young, young to make things happen, to explore and to learn. I don’t know when, I don’t know how long it would take me to be who I wanted to be, but I’m getting there. The Man Above sure has a plan for me, I don’t know what, but I’m sure it’s great. Life just had started and I’m ready to conquer my world.

Happy 21st Birthday to me! 

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